Tag Archive for: sensory food experience

An outdoor dinner party gathering in a field.

10 Special Occasion Entertaining Tips You Need to Know 

Consider NOT having a party—no, seriously! The…
Curing (drying) fresh garlic hanging in cloves.

How Can I Never Overcook or Undercook Food? 

Source and choose fresh, juicy foods Use quality…
Friends dining outdoors and enjoying a backyard dinner party.

Why I Love Teaching Cooking 

Try something new and fresh Ask questions—we need…
Chinese Hot Pot soup stewed with a colourful, eclectic mix of Asian spices, vegetables, noodles and broth.

10 Instructive Steps to Making Soup Soul-Filling—Every Time! 

Simmer your own simple stock Use fresh and fantastic…
Accurately chopped vegetables and washed and chopped fresh herbs.

Behind-the-Scenes of Tree House Kitchen, the Teaching Kitchen

Tree House Kitchen is truly a teaching kitchen! My philosophy…
Palena and Teresa are tying whole cloves in cheesecloth to infuse their essence into the simmering soup.

Hands-On Soups Cooking Skills—Making the Perfect Soup

One cool Saturday in January, students joined us in…
Chef Nancy Henley working with mentor Erin Huston who is an eating disorder awareness and body positivity advocate.

Exploring Nourishing Eating in a S.H.E. Cooking Class of Young Girls and Their Mentors

Above, I’m working with mentor Erin Huston, an eating disorder…
Edible foams created with arugula, watermelon and soy lecithin.

A Typical (and Atypical!) Culinary Taste Testing Week in Tree House Kitchen

Another week of recipe taste-testing in Tree House Kitchen…
Minestrone soup and biscuits by Chef Nancy Henley.

Make the Leap: From Tentative to Talented Cooking!

It’s a small leap from tentative to talented cooking.…
Six stages of cooked roux.

New Orleans Cuisine: Learning About Culture Through Food

The origin of the word “restaurant” is French and…