Entries by Nancy Henley

Spring Foraging for Wild Leeks

New beginnings and the uniqueness of Ontario forests reveal themselves each spring. It’s a great time to forage for wild leeks! The earth and sun have fed us antioxidants through the maple trees’ sap. And in early spring, the wet, mulchy ground of the maple forest reveals wild leeks peeking through. When you’re foraging for […]

Family Fun: Cooking as a Family

Cooking as a family creates unforgettable memories. Make this your most tasty year ever with creative exploration and family bonding. Kids love to cook! We’ve seen it first hand. Tree House Kitchen has hosted several family cooking classes* for free at the Hamilton Farmer’s Market, including the one pictured below. Pictured here are parent-child cooking teams […]

Lauren Charman Writes About Behind-the-Scenes Recipe Testing at Tree House Kitchen

January 2015 In preparation for Chef Nancy Henley’s Asian Fusion cooking class dinner party, Lauren Charman joined Nancy in recipe testing to make sure dinner and recipes would be their best ever. In her blog,” Lauren shares the nuances of this testing process; balancing limes, heat, sweetness and acidity. Lauren Charman is an excellent food […]

Happy New Year!

January 2015 Enjoy the season’s fun and stay fired up this year with nourishing family meals. This year in Tree House Kitchen, you can enjoy these amazing cooking class experiences: Nourishing Knife Skills Chinese, Cajun, Moroccan and Spanish Global Soups and Stews(Fine artist Eric Ranveau will be in attendance to gather impressions of the emotions of […]

Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner Serving Guide

Thinking about hosting the family next holiday season? These Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner serving guide reminders and tips will help you serve your best turkey yet! Share these reminders with your friends and enjoy your delicious Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey dinner!

BBQ Grilling Guide

As autumn approaches, outdoor cooking changes. Use this BBQ grilling guide to make the most of it! As the air cools, your BBQ grilling cooking times will lengthen. At the same time, your grilled food-to-table timing should shorten. This may sound obvious and simplistic, but being aware and acting on the obvious makes a great […]

Bay Area Restoration Council Invites Nancy to be a Blog Contributor

October 2014 Recently, Nancy was invited to be a blog contributor to Bay Area Restoration Council. BARC is a community non-profit group that assesses and promotes cleanup projects in Hamilton Harbour and its watershed. Nancy is a mother of three, a chef, a cooking teacher and a nature lover. They all go hand-in-hand in her […]

Why I Love Teaching Cooking

In my younger years, I spent some time whooshing down the slippery slope of emotional eating. Luckily, a few very good meals in Paris changed that mindset. A week after that trip to France, I signed up for chef school as a beloved second career, and ever since, I have exchanged emotional eating for emotional […]

Making a Bees Nest: The Pollinating Power of Native Canadian Bees

Pollinating native Canadian bees fill your belly and support our delicate, wondrous biosphere! Say a mental “Thank you!” to Canadian bees when eating incredible, fresh summer market fare, growing a bountiful garden or enjoying the great Canadian outdoors. Then join us in making a bees nest! Did you know that most pollinating native Canadian bees […]